Heavy smoke is coming out of the entrance and exit of the underground car park. Forces from Gerlingen and Ditzingen had begun with an interior fire attack under zero visibility until the arrival of forces from Bietigheim-Bissingen with their Mobile Grand Ventilator. At this time, due to the heavy smoke development, there was no possibility of recognizing something from the outside in the underground car park.
Before the entrance and exit, a free space for the development of the MGV was kept free. After the arrival of the forces from Bietigheim-Bissingen, a short briefing was held. Exhaust air openings in the parking garage were occupied by firefighters and the staircase doors of the residential units were closed. All crews have now been removed from the underground car park and the ventilation started with idling speed of the MGV.
Already at idling speed of the MGV an improvement of the situation in the attack route of the fire brigade was to be seen immediately. The smoke from the entrance and exit could be pushed back and the MGV improve the visibility within no time. You could now look into the underground car park to the fire scene.